The Hear-Nothing Gun Crowd

My article this week is over the topic of gun control.

American politics may seems as if we are just going past each other based on the one side saying their point of view about an issue like taxes. The current fight over gun control is not one of those moments. It is a consistency of misrepresentation, sadly almost entirely from one side.

I take a position into the situation by wanting to have the right to bear arms. However, stating this statement I believe that the gun control should be a very sensitive matter. If we didn’t have criminals in our world then we wouldn’t have this problem but because of their actions we are having to decide whether it is safe to let people carry guns around. The president says he wants more government to look over the background checks of people to make sure that when handing out these guns he is putting them in the hands of a responsible person. I agree that would make it a little safer but who are you to know that everyone is going to use those in the right positions? You don’t.

The way this affects the world is if Obama says he will not take away our guns but is simply making the background checks harder to pass then I hope this can decreases the number of people in the U.S. Soon with all the bad happening in the world today almost every family will need to know how to work and own a gun. It’s sad to say but in the security of your household you need to do what’s best. And what is best is the protection of family. In the article it states that the Hear Nothing Crowd was informed on a slaughtering of teenagers in college and they did not even budge. In the future I would suggest us getting a better system together because in all situations mild and tragic we as people need to step in and take charge.


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