Fixing Our Broken Water Systems

Underneath America’s streets lies a network of pipes that is supposed to bring clean water into homes, schools and businesses. But the news of lead poisoning in Flint, Mich., and the emergence of similar problems in Sebring, Ohio, and other cities have revealed a shocking truth. Some of these systems are so old and poorly maintained that they have become a major hazard to human health.

I take a stand to say that I strongly believe that our water supply is very important. In fact once we get something in our water it is almost impossible to get it out and water is what we need to most. It is clear why America’s water systems are failing. The country has invested far too little in its public works, as governments at all levels have become obsessed with cutting spending. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the country needs to spend $384 billion by 2030 to continue providing clean drinking water to all Americans. The American Water Works Association , which represents public water utilities, puts the tab at $1 trillion in new spending in the next 25 years.

The way this affects the world is by not only America but could get into other countries water supply through the ocean. Spreading over five to 10 years, it could take to replace every pipe. The pipes should be a manageable sum for a country as prosperous as America. Policy makers should go beyond the hardware and develop a comprehensive strategy to ensure safe drinking water. This is a joint responsibility of the E.P.A. and state governments. There should be more frequent and thorough monitoring of drinking water.


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