Report: U.S. aircraft carriers could become ineffective

My article of weeks topic is over the decreasing amount of aircraft carriers that could lead us into some serious problems with war in the future.


Calling the U.S. aircraft carrier the “backbone” of America’s global military presence, the Navy’s top brass highlighted the risks of failing to maintain a big enough fleet during testimony. Increasing our chance at destruction the aircraft carriers The big man Hendrix states “New capabilities in the areas of unmanned systems, stealth, directed energy, and hypersonics could be combined to provide the range required to perform deep strike missions.”   


The way I put myself into this world is by being an american. I always want what’s best for our country and to show the opposing teams that they need to be better because whatever weaponry they have we will be able to fight back. These becomes a huge issue when we discover how important the aircraft people regarding whatever country it is from. Recent studies show that hurts U.S. power projection and its ability to contemplate regime change strategies that have dominated many modern American wars. We also need to realise if they really do become almost non existence. But the Navy said it is confident in the capabilities of its air wing and that the aircraft carrier will remain relevant despite the efforts of rival nations so we can only hope they are right.


If we were to ever just into a situation where we would have to ask fast under attack and bombard them with everything. Most importantly we have the focus on the carriers because without them what would we do? Take into consideration that right now we were under attack. I honestly don’t think we would be ready because of the ineffective aircraft men. By receiving messages from this group of researchers also concluded that the emerging threats posed by evolving anti-ship technology only increase the need to invest in aircraft carriers, provided they have the proper enhancements in capability. Dakota Wood, who served in the U.S. Marines and is a defense expert  and agreed with Hendrix’s assessment that the U.S. Navy must adjust  the rival nations improve. “I think aircraft carriers will exist in their current form for several more years,” Wood said. In conclusion, all you can really do is hope for safety of others and yourself and maintain your determination to help the carriers who help us.  



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