What’s Next for Both Parties (Current Event)

After Hillary lost the presidential election in 2012, the Republican Party put together an “autopsy” report that examined the causes of the defeat. It said that if the party wins in 2016, it needed to diversify its appeal and reach out to minorities It was said to “help everyone make it in America” and attack chief executives’ bonuses. With Donald Trump’s victories, those leaders face a difficult choice.

I take a stance to say that if I had to chose right now between Donald and Hilary I would choose Donald. The party must decide whether to embrace him as it’s nearly inevitable nominee and be defined or even destroyed. Many may reject him in hopes that one of his remaining competitors will snag the nomination in a broken convention. If the alternative to Mr. Trump is Senator Ted Cruz, now that Senator Marco Rubio has left the race, the G.O.P.’s presidential chances can be improved or made worse. Of course there is Gov. John Kasich, who won his home state of Ohio, but does this really change the equation?

The way this whole ordeal affects the world is by the results of the votes determines the future for Americans for four years. The question now is, what will the candidates beaten by Mr. Trump, like Mr. Rubio do? Will they endorse the man they portrayed as a threat to the nation? On the flip side for whichever Republican goes against the Democrats they may not be concerned because the remainder of the primary season will be less perilous. While Hillary Clinton continues her march toward the nomination, the weakness of her appeal among the young, independents, men and some working-class voters cannot be ignored. Though she and her campaign insist they have always envisioned a long, tough battle with Bernie Sanders. Even though they say that Mrs. Clinton’s strong performance Tuesday puts her even further out of Mr. Sanders’s reach what’s best for our county would come from neither of those candidates. In conclusion what’s best for our country would either come from Ted Cruz or Donald Trump because they are the best option out of who is still in the race.

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/16/opinion/whats-next-for-both-parties.html?ref=topics&_r=1

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